Here we go again!
If your ears are still sizzling from Tomy 'Bam Bam' Bewick's last performance - you're not the only one! But October is coming up on us fast and the Guelph Spoken Word team is getting ready to bring you another night of amazing spoken word poetry! Alexander Oliver has style like no other feature poet at the Guelph Poetry Slam. And yes this fashion is wordsmith sexy.
So save the date!
Sat. Oct. 17th
At the Guelph Googenheim
(129 Woolwich Street, underneath Gordon Taylor Music)
A poetry slam is a night filled with spoken word poetry and competition...but winning isn't the point, the poetry is the point.
There will be a open mic for any poet of any age or from any walk of life to come up to the stage - and then, the SLAM! Poets will compete for the audience's approval over a 2 round poetry slam! They will deliver their poems in under 3 minutes, 10 seconds and will be scored by the judges! The winner will receive a gift certificate for a 60min massage from Selina Mullins and the coveted Twinkie!
So be prepared to loosen those muscles while enjoying a sweet-licious treat.
You can choose to be a perform, you can choose to judge, but you will most certainly be floored by the wordplay coming from behind the microphone!
Door's open / poet sign-up: 8:00 PM
Open Mic: 8:30 PM
Poetry Slam: 9:00 PM
$10 at the door.
After the slam, be ready for some dancing, conversation - and remember, the doors don't close until 2:00 AM - so get ready for some partying!
For more info on SLAM, SLAM rules and Guelph Spoken Word check out our facebook home page or website
Alexandra Oliver was born in Vancouver, B.C. in 1970. She attended the University of Toronto and received an M.A. in Drama in 1994. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals and publications worldwide, including Orbis Rhyme International, Nexus, Future Cycle Poetry, The Atlanta Review and The Vancouver Sun, as well as About.Com's Poems After The Attack anthology, a collection discussing and reflecting upon the aftermath of 9/11. Her first book, Where the English Housewife Shines (Tin Press, London, UK), was released in May, 2007.